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Na podstawie art. 13 ust. 1 i 2 Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych), Dz. U. UE. L. 2016.119.1 z dnia 4 maja 2016r., dalej RODO informuję:
1. dane Administratora i Inspektora Ochrony Danych znajdują się w linku „Ochrona danych osobowych”,
2. Pana/Pani dane osobowe w postaci adresu IP, są przetwarzane w celu udostępniania strony internetowej oraz wypełnienia obowiązków prawnych spoczywających na administratorze(art.6 ust.1 lit.c RODO),
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4. dane osobowe mogą być przekazywane organom państwowym, organom ochrony prawnej (Policja, Prokuratura, Sąd) lub organom samorządu terytorialnego w związku z prowadzonym postępowaniem,
5. Pana/Pani dane osobowe nie będą przekazywane do państwa trzeciego ani do organizacji międzynarodowej,
6. Pana/Pani dane osobowe będą przetwarzane wyłącznie przez okres i w zakresie niezbędnym do realizacji celu przetwarzania,
7. przysługuje Panu/Pani prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych osobowych oraz ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania lub prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania,
8. ma Pan/Pani prawo wniesienia skargi do Prezesa Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych,
9. podanie przez Pana/Panią danych osobowych jest fakultatywne (dobrowolne) w celu udostępnienia strony internetowej,
10. Pana/Pani dane osobowe nie będą podlegały zautomatyzowanym procesom podejmowania decyzji przez Administratora, w tym profilowaniu.

Materiał z języka angielskiego realizowany w maju



1.Nauka nazw pomieszczeń w naszym domu oraz określanie gdzie się znajdujemy:


House (dom), living room (salon), bedroom (sypialnia), bathroom (łazienka), playroom (pokój zabaw), dining room (jadalnia), kitchen (kuchnia), toilet (toaleta), hall (przedpokój), attic (strych), basement (piwnica), garage (garaż), garden (ogród), balcony (balkon) etc.


I’m in the bedroom (jestem w sypialni). I’m in the kitchen (jestem w kuchni) etc.


  1. Nauka nazw związanych z wyjazdami i przyrodą:


Sea (morze), lake (jezioro), river (rzeka), ocean (ocean), pond (staw), forest/wood (las), field (pole), meadow (łąka), desert (pustynia), waterfall (wodospad), grass (trawa), flowers (kwiaty), bushes (krzaki), trees (drzewa), sun (słońce), moon (księżyc), rainbow (tęcza), waves (fale), nest (gniazdo), plants (rośliny), mountains (góry), hills (wzgórza), ditch (rów), gorge (wąwóz), leaves (liście), clouds (chmury), land (ląd), sand (piasek), rocks (skały), stones (kamienie), cave (jaskinia) etc.   


 3. Nauka nazw kontynentów:


Europe (Europa), Asia (Azja), Africa (Afryka), North America (Ameryka Północna), South America (Ameryka Południowa), Australia (Australia), Antarctica (Antarktyda).


 Materiał jest elastyczny a sposób nauczania odpowiednio dopasowany do każdej grupy wiekowej.






  1. Parts of the house


Learn rooms and parts of the house with this fun kids vocabulary chant. In this video we'll learn: bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, toilet, office, dining room, hallway, attic and garage.


  1. Rooms of the house


I'm cooking some food in the kitchen. I'm reading a book in the living room. I'm playing my guitar in the bedroom. Please be quiet! I'm trying to sleep. Ok! After my guitar solo! I'm playing my guitar in the bedroom. Please be quiet! I'm trying to sleep. Ok! After my guitar solo!


  1. My house


Roomba Room! Roomba Room! Roomba roomba room! Hey! Did you see my dad? Sister’s watching TV in the living room. Mommy’s reading a book in the bedroom. Brother’s taking a shower in the bathroom. Daddy’s cooking dinner in the kitchen. Living room. Bedroom and bathroom and kitchen Roomba Room! Roomba Room! Welcome to my house! Living room. Bedroom and bathroom and kitchen. Roomba Room! Roomba Room! Roomba roomba room! Welcome to my house! Yeah!


  1. House song for kids


This entertaining video song for kids introduces parts of the house. Steve helps Agatha to find a perfect new house. Agatha wants there a kitchen, living room, shed, garden and garage. Will she find what she´s looking for? Let´s have a look!


  1. Seven Continents song


The world is split up into continents, there are seven in all And if you get the gist, we’re gonna make a list from biggest to small: They are: Asia, Africa, North and South America Antarctica, Europe, and finally Australia Asia, Africa, North and South America Antarctica, Europe, and finally Australia Hey! My name is Asia, And more than half of the world lives here, but, whatever And I am Africa, with desert for miles And my Nile is the longest river North America! Start down in Panama, Wide open spaces, all the way to Canada I'm South America with animals galore, Where the rainforest grows ‘cause the rain really pours I’m Antarctica, and I’m totally ice And I’m Europe. You’re welcome... For the pasta, pizza, waffles, and fries I am Australia, some call me Oceania, I got a lot of islands, too many to explain to ya We are Asia, Africa, North and South America Antarctica, Europe, and finally Australia


  1. The seven continents and five oceans


“Juny, after looking at the world map, I’d like to see the llamas in Machu Picchu.” “So, do you want to go to Peru in the continent of South America?” “Continent? What’s a continent?” “Do you see the seven big lands on the map? They’re called ‘continents,’ and they all have their own names.” “Juny! That’s great. I want to know more about them!” “Sure! Let me teach you with a song.” Oolala oola Oolala oola 7 continents, 5 oceans There are seven continents on this planet, Earth. North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, “Ah!” Oceania “Oh!” and Antarctica “Oh yeah!” Oolala oola Oolala oola 7 continents, 5 oceans There are five big oceans on this planet, Earth. The Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian! The Arctic, “North!” the Antarctic “South!” Remember not to forget! “Okay!” Oolala oola Oolala oola 7 continents, 5 oceans “Juny, they’re really easy to remember!” “Shall we sing once again with the children from all around the world?” “Okay!” There are seven continents on this planet, Earth. North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and Antarctica Oolala oola Oolala oola 7 continents, 5 oceans There are five big oceans on this planet, Earth. The Pacific, the Atlantic and the Indian! The Arctic, “North!” the Antarctic “South!” Remember not to forget! “Okay!” Oolala oola Oolala oola 7 continents, 5 oceans 7 continents, 5 oceans “Yeah!” “Tony, wasn’t it easier to memorize them through a song?” “Juny, Juny! I’ll go teach my friends this song!” “Tony, wait for me!”


  1. The seven continents of the World


I’m Africa, I’m the oldest continent that you know / My sandy deserts make it rather hard for plants to grow / If you should ever come to visit me for a while / Be sure to take a trip down my longest river, Nile I’m Asia, the largest continent that you’ll find / Four billion people live in me, I’m a cradle of mankind / With ancient temples and tigers roaring loud / Mount Everest makes me feel really tall and proud (CHORUS) My name is Africa, my name is Asia / They call me Europe, they call me Australia / I’m North America, I’m South America / (don’t forget about me!) I’m Antarctica I’m Australia, I’ve got the Great Barrier Reef, it’s true / I’m the only place you’ll find a wild kangaroo / I’ve got beaches all around under the sun’s glare / and Tasmania’s got the world’s cleanest air I’m North America, I’m a land filled with adventure / Where people freely pursue any business venture / From Panama to Canada and all in between / I’m the home of the brave and the land of the free (CHORUS) I’m South America, home of the mighty Amazon / Sunlight filters through my trees beginning every dawn / I’m a place where wonders await to be discovered / That’s one reason my rain forest must be recovered I’m Europe and I was named by the Greeks / I’m separated from Asia by many mountain peaks / You’ll want to see the Eiffel Tower if you visit me / And the Colliseum in Italy (CHORUS) I’m Antarctica, I’m cold, but not if you’re a penguin / Dressed in black and white, the birds always seem to blend in / My wind currents howl with speeds like a tornado / It can be real hard to see with all the blowing snow.


  1. The nature song for children


It’s a nature song for kids! Sing along to the nature song and learn or teach nature for children! A great song to learn the English vocabulary for nature. Spring and summer are coming, so let's sing along to the nature song for children! Perfect for babies, toddlers, students, and children. It’s easy to sing along to and young learners will love this educational nature song video!


  1. Nature


I love the mountains. I love the river. I love the cloud. Up up in the sky. flowers and trees are loved by the bees. flowers and trees are loved by the bees. I love the mountains. I love the river. I love the cloud. Up up in the sky. Birds love the butterflies. And butterflies love the sky. Birds love the butterflies. And butterflies love the sky.


             10.What do you see?


Learn 12 Nature words and Animal names like sky, sun, tree, fox, and bat in this fun song for children. Sing What do you see? I see a mountain. Watch real footage of beautiful nature scenes as you sing-along! Is Matt being chased by a bat? Oh no! I hope Matt can run really fast!