1.Nauka nazw produktów spożywczych:
Food (jedzenie), drink (picie), bread (chleb), butter (masło), ham (szynka), cheese (ser), roll (bułka), salami (salami), egg (jajko), sousages (kiełbaski), frankfurters (parówki), tomatoe (pomidor), potato (ziemniak), cucumber ( ogórek), lettuce (sałata), cabbage (kapusta), onion (cebula), garlic (czosnek), radish (rzodkiewka), mustard (musztarda), ketchup (keczup), mayonnaise (majonez), leek (por), meat (mięso), chicken (kurczak), pork (wieprzowina), lamb (baranina), meatballs (pulpeciki), salad (sałatka), rice (ryż), groats (kasza), pepper (papryka), lemon (cytryna), lime (limonka), vegetables (warzywa), fruit (owoce), chips (frytki), crisps (chrupki), apple(jabłko), banana (banan), peach (brzoskwinia), orange (pomarańcza), aubergine (bakłażan), pear (gruszka), strawberry (truskawka), blueberry (jagoda), raspberry (malina), blackberry (jerzyna), tangerine (mandarynka), milk (mleko), water (woda), juice (sok), fizzy drink (niezdrowy napój), souce (sos),cake (tort), sweets (słodycze), candies (cukierki), pizza (pizza), spaghetti (spaghetti), ice cream (lody) etc.
- Nauka nazw posiłków oraz wyrażeń zw. z ich spożywaniem:
Breakfast (śniadanie), lunch (lancz), dinner (obiad), dessert (deser), supper (kolacja).
What do you like to eat? (Co lubisz jeść?), Do you like np. chicken? (Czy ty lubisz np. kurczaka?), I like…(ja lubię), I don’t like…(ja nie lubię), What’s your favourite…?(jakie jest twoje ulubione…?)
- Nauka nazw naszych emocji i odczuć, tego jak się czujemy:
I’m happy (jestem szczęśliwy), I’m sad (jestem smutny), I’m angry (jestem rozzłoszczony), I’m nervous (jestem nerwowy), I’m tired (jestem zmęczony), I’m sleepy (jestem śpiący), I’m surprised (jestem zdziwiony), I’m scared (jestem przestraszony), I’m relaxed (jestem zrelaksowany), I’m hungry (jestem głodny), I’m thirsty (jestem spragniony), I’m hot (jest mi gorąco), I’m cold (jest mi zimno) etc.
Materiał jest elastyczny a sposób nauczania odpowiednio dopasowany do każdej grupy wiekowej.
1.Do you like broccoli ice cream?
Do you like broccoli? Yes, I do! Do you like ice cream? Yes, I do! Do you like broccoli ice cream? No, I don't. Yucky! Do you like donuts? Yes, I do! Do you like juice? Yes, I do! Do you like donut juice? No, I don't. Yucky! Do you like popcorn? Yes, I do! Do you like pizza? Yes, I do! Do you like popcorn pizza? No, I don't. Yucky! Do you like bananas? Yes, I do! Do you like soup? Yes, I do! Do you like banana soup? No, I don't. Yucky!
- Do you like lasanga milkshakes?
Do you like lasagna? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like milkshakes? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like lasagna milkshakes? No, I don’t! Yucky! Do you like avocados? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like lollipops? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like avocado lollipops? No, I don’t! Yucky! Do you like asparagus? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like cake? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like asparagus cake? No, I don’t! Yucky! Do you like peanut butter? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like jelly? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like peanut butter and jelly? Yes, I do. Yummy!
- Do you like pickle pudding?
Do you like pickles? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like pudding? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like pickle pudding? No, I don’t! Yucky! Do you like mushrooms? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like popsicles? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like mushroom popsicles? No, I don’t! Yucky! Do you like cauliflower? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like cupcakes? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like cauliflower cupcakes? No, I don’t! Yucky! Do you like sushi? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like smoothies? Yes, I do! Yes, I do! Do you like sushi smoothies? No, I don’t! Yuck!
- Do you like spaghetti yougurt?
Do you like spaghetti? Yes, I do! Do you like yogurt? Yes, I do! Do you like spaghetti yogurt? No, I don't. Yucky! Do you like cookies? Yes, I do! Do you like salad? Yes, I do! Do you like cookie salad? No, I don't. Yucky! Do you like tomatoes? Yes, I do! Do you like pancakes? Yes, I do! Do you like tomato pancakes? No, I don't. Yucky! Do you like carrots? Yes, I do! Do you like cereal? Yes, I do! Do you like carrot cereal? No, I don't. Yuck!
- Pizza Party
Pizza, pizza party. Pizza, pizza party. First you take the dough and you spin it, you spin it, you spin it, spin it, spin it. Pizza, pizza party. Pizza, pizza party. Then you take the sauce and you spread it, you spread it, you spread it, spread it, spread it. Pizza, pizza party. Pizza, pizza party. Then you take the cheese and you shred it, you shred it, you shred it, shred it, shred it. Pizza, pizza party. Pizza, pizza party. Then you take the toppings and you spread ‘em, you spread ‘em you spread ‘em, spread ‘em, spread ‘em. Pizza, pizza party. Pizza, pizza party. Then you take the pizza and you bake it, you bake it, you bake it, bake it, bake it. Pizza, pizza party. Pizza, pizza party. Then you take the pizza and you slice it, you slice it, you slice it, slice it, slice it. Pizza, pizza party. Pizza, pizza party. Then you take the pizza and you eat it, you eat it, you eat it, eat it, eat it. Pizza, pizza party. Pizza, pizza party. MMM MMM, MMM MMM MMM MMM. MMM MMM, MMM MMM MMM MMM.
- Are you hungry?
Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Mmm...a banana! Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Are you hungry? Yes, I am. apple! Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Mmm...grapes! Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Mmm...watermelon! Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! I’m full!
- Peanut, butter and jelly
Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. First you take the peanuts and you crack ‘em, you crack ‘em, you crack ‘em, crack ‘em, crack ‘em. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Then you take the peanuts and you mash ‘em, you mash ‘em, you mash ‘em, mash ‘em, mash ‘em. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Then you take the bread and you spread it, you spread it, you spread it, spread it, spread it. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Next you take the grapes and you pick ‘em, you pick ‘em, you pick ‘em, pick ‘em, pick ‘em. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Then you take the grapes and you squish ‘em, you squish ‘em, you squish ‘em, squish ‘em, squish ‘em. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Then you take the bread and you spread it, you spread it, you spread it, spread it, spread it. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Peanut, peanut butter. And jelly. Now you take the sandwich and you eat it, you eat it, you eat it, eat it, eat it. MMMM, MMM MMMMM. MMM. MMMM. MMMM, MMM MMMMM. MMM. MMMM.
- I’m thirsty!
I'm thirsty! Can I have a drink? Learn about drinks and how to say "I'm thirsty. Can I have some (milk, pop, tea, juice)?" and of course the magic word, "please" with this fun kids song from our Fun Kids Monsters.
- If you’re happy and you know it spin around.
If you’re happy and you know it, spin around. If you’re happy and you know it, spin around. If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you’re happy and you know it, spin around. If you’re happy and you know it, touch the ground. If you’re happy and you know it, touch the ground. If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you’re happy and you know it, touch the ground. Spin around. If you’re happy and you know it, reach up high. If you’re happy and you know it, reach up high. If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you’re happy and you know it, reach up high. Touch the ground. Spin around. If you’re happy and you know it, shake your legs. If you’re happy and you know it, shake your legs. If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you’re happy and you know it, shake your legs. Reach up high. Touch the ground. Spin around. If you’re happy and you know it, play guitar. If you’re happy and you know it, play guitar. If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you’re happy and you know it, play guitar. Shake your legs. Reach up high. Touch the ground. Spin around. If you’re happy and you know it, nod your head. If you’re happy and you know it, nod your head. If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you’re happy and you know it, nod your head. Play guitar. Shake your legs. Reach up high. Touch the ground. Spin around.
- Feelings and emotions
What do you do when you're happy? When I'm happy I laugh When I'm happy happy happy I laugh laugh laugh X 2 Ha ha ha ha ha! What do you do when you're sad? When I'm sad I cry When I'm sad sad sad I cry cry cry Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo! What do you do when you're angry? When I'm angry I stomp my feet Whe I'm angry angry angry I stomp my feet X 2 Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp What do you do when you're hungry? When I'm hungry I eat a snack When I'm hungry hungry hungry I eat a snack X 2 Yum yum yum yum yum! What do you do when you're sleepy? When I'm sleepy I go to sleep When I'm sleepy sleepy sleepy I go to sleep X 2 Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- The feelings song
Fun Kids English is excited to present our "Feelings Song". It's a fun and engaging song for young learners to start the day in the classroom or at home. It's important that children are able to express themselves naturally when we ask them "How are you?". This song focuses on key phrases of greetings, such as "Hello", "How are you?", "I'm good", "I'm hot", "I'm cold" and "I'm sad".
- Hello Song 2
Hello. How are you? X 3 I'm happy today Hello. How are you? X 2 I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy! Hello. How are you? X 3 I'm angry today Hello. How are you? X 2 I'm angry, I'm angry, I'm angry! Hello. How are you? X 3 I'm sleepy today Hello. How are you? X 2 I'm sleepy, I'm sleepy, I'm sleepy! Hello. How are you? X 3 I'm hungry today Hello. How are you? X 2 I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry! Hello. How are you? X 3 I'm happy today Hello. How are you? X 2 I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy! I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy! Yeah, yeah yeah!