1.Nauka nazw sportów oraz określanie czy umiemy je uprawiać czy nie umiemy:
Cycling (jazda rowerem), horse-riding (jazda konna), gumnastics (gimnastyka), golf (golf), hockey (hokej), dancing (tańczenie), skiing (narciarstwo), ice skating (jazda na łyżwach), tennis (tenis), table tenis (tenis stołowy), badminton (badminton), water polo (piłka wodna), swimming (pływanie), running (bieganie), climbing (wspinaczka), karate (karate), boeing (boks), fencing (szermierka), baseball (bejsbol), volleyball (siatkówka), basketball (koszykówka), rugby (rugby), football/soccer (piłka nożna) etc.
I can/can’t play soccer! (Potrafię/nie potrafię grać w piłkę nożną).
- Nauka nazw rodzajów transportu oraz określanie jak podróżujemy:
Bike (Rower), car (samochód), train (Pociąg), subway (Metro), boat (łódka), ship (statek), rocket (rakieta), taxi (taksówka), plane (samolot), bus (autobus), coach (autokar), helikopter (helikopter), truck (ciężarówka), motorbike (motocykl), quad (quad), ferry (prom), by walk (piechotą) etc.
I go by car! (jadę samochodem!) etc.
- Nauka nazw dni tygodnia oraz określanie jaki mamy konkretnie dzień:
Monday (Poniedziałek), Tuesday (Wtorek), Wednesday (Środa),Thursday (Czwartek), Friday (Piątek), Saturday (Sobota), Sunday (Niedziela), Weekend (Weekend).
It’s Monday! (Jest Poniedziałek!) etc.
Materiał jest elastyczny a sposób nauczania odpowiednio dopasowany do każdej grupy wiekowej.
1.Days of the week song
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday (Repeat)
- Days of the week
ur "Days of the week song" is an interactive reggae-style tune that helps children remember all the days of the week in a fun way. Mother Hen leads the children to sing the days of the week in various styles - quiet, loud, and fast.
- Days of the week – song for kids
Sunday, Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday What day is it today?
- The vehicles song
It's a big bus Beep, beep, beep It's a big plane Zoom, zoom, zoom It's a big train Toot, toot, toot It's a big car Broom, broom, broom It's a big truck Honk, honk, honk
- Transportation song
Verse 1 I ride on a bike I ride on a bike, but I want to go faster Verse 2 I ride on a bus I ride on a bus, but I want to go faster Verse 3 I ride in a car I ride in a car, but I want to go faster Verse 4 I ride on a train I ride on a train, but I want to go faster Verse 5 I fly on a plane I fly on a plane, but I want to go faster Bridge Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, go! Outro I fly in a rocket I fly into space in a rocket
- Driving In my car
Driving in my car. Vroom vroom vroom. Driving in my car. Vroom vroom vroom. Driving very fast. Vroom vroom vroom. Driving very slow. Vroom vroom vroom. I like driving. Driving in my car. Riding on my bike. Pedal pedal pedal. Riding on my bike. Pedal pedal pedal. Riding very fast Pedal pedal pedal. Riding very slow Pedal pedal pedal. I like riding, Riding on my bike Rowing in my boat, Splash splash splash, Rowing in my boat, Splash splash splash, Rowing very fast Splash splash splash, Rowing very slow. Splash splash splash. I like rowing. Rowing in my boat. Riding on my train. Choo, choo, choo. Riding on my train. Choo, choo, choo. Riding very fast. Choo, choo, choo. Riding very slow. Choo, choo, choo. I like riding. Riding on my train. Flying in my airplane. Whoosh whoosh. Flying in my airplane. Whoosh whoosh. Flying very high. Whoosh whoosh. Flying very low. Whoosh whoosh. I like flying. Flying in my airplane.
- My yellow car
Oh, let's go for a drive in my yellow car. Let's go for a drive, we won't go too far. Let's go for a drive in my yellow car. Let's go buy some bananas. Oh, let's go for a drive in my orange car. Let's go for a drive, we won't go too far. Let's go for a drive in my orange car. Let's go buy a big pumpkin. Oh, let's go for a drive in my red car. Let's go for a drive, we won't go too far. Let's go for a drive in my red car. Let's go buy some strawberries. Oh, let's go for a drive in my green car. Let's go for a drive, we won't go too far. Let's go for a drive in my green car. Let's go buy some broccoli. Oh, let's go for a drive in my blue car. Let's go for a drive, we won't go too far. Let's go for a drive in my blue car. Let's go buy some blueberries. Oh, let's go for a drive in my brown car. Let's go for a drive, we won't go too far. Let's go for a drive in my brown car. Let's go buy some potatoes. Oh, let's go for a drive in my purple car. Let's go for a drive, we won't go too far. Let's go for a drive in my purple car. Let's go buy some grapes. Oh, let's go for a drive in my pink car. Let's go for a drive, we won't go too far. Let's go for a drive in my pink car. Let's go buy some cotton candy
- The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round. Round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round. The door on the bus goes open and shut. Open and shut. Open and shut. The door on the bus goes open and shut. Open and shut. The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish. Swish swish swish. Swish swish swish. The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish. Swish swish swish. The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. The people on the bus go up and down. Up and down. Up and down. The people on the bus go up and down. Up and down. The babies on the bus go, “Wah wah wah. Wah wah wah. Wah wah wah.” The babies on the bus go, “Wah wah wah. Wah wah wah.” The mommies on the bus go, "Shhh shhh shhh. Shhh shhh shhh. Shhh shhh shhh." The daddies on the bus go, "Shhh shhh shhh. Shhh shhh shhh.”
- Sport Song
What do you like? What do you like? What do you like? Baseball, baseball. I like baseball. Basketball, basketball. I like basketball. Volleyball, volleyball. I like volleyball. Soccer, soccer. I like soccer. Baseball, basketball, volleyball, soccer. I like sports! Hurray! What do you like? What do you like? What do you like? Diving, diving. I like diving. Swimming, swimming. I like swimming. Skiing, skiing. I like skiing. Skating, skating. I like skating. Diving, swimming, skiing, skating. I like sports! Hurray! What do you like? What do you like? What do you like? Tennis, tennis. I like tennis. Badminton, badminton. I like badminton. Fencing, fencing. I like fencing. Boxing, boxing. I like boxing. Tennis, badminton, fencing, boxing. I like sports! Hurray! Hurray!
- Do you like sport?
Do you like playing sports? Yes, I do. Can you kick and hit? Can you bounce and catch? Do you like playing sports? Yes, I do. Do you like soccer? Yes, I do. Can you kick a ball? Do you like soccer? Yes, I do. Do you like basketball? Yes, I do. Can you bounce a ball? Do you like basketball? Yes, I do. Do you like tennis? Yes, I do. Can you hit a ball? Do you like tennis? Yes, I do. Do you like baseball? Yes, I do. Can you catch a ball? Do you like baseball? Yes, I do. Do you like playing sports? Yes, I do. Can you kick and hit? Can you bounce and catch? Do you like playing sports? Yes, I do.
- Learn sports names for kids
Do you like playing sports? What's your favorite sport? In this video we'll learn 10 different sport names in English. Learn: baseball, golf, soccer, tennis, rollerblading, ballet, running, boxing, karate and volleyball. Have fun!